Where Our Attention Goes, Energy Flows
What is your pattern of attention? Do you attend to your list of things that have to get done? Are you constantly scanning for what is wrong, or what will go wrong? Are you preoccupied with what others might think of you? Are you filled with doubt or self blame? Before you act, do you think "what’s in it for me?" How often to you pause and notice what you are consumed by? How often are you 'doing' as opposed to 'being?' How often do you attend to gratitude and your inner wellbeing?
Our habits of attention shape our moods. Whatever we think about regularly becomes the habit of our mind. Our brains are wired to scan for threats and to latch onto the negative. If someone gives you several compliments and one critique, we often focus on and hold onto the one negative item. How often are you moving through the day grimly with a serious mood? How often are you checking things off the list, preoccupied, and/or judging self or other? We do not take enough time and space to sense our wellbeing or the causes of our wellbeing. I’m talking about purposefully gladdening the mind. I’m not saying we should cover over the negative or difficulties. We need to learn to be with that energy as well and bring space and compassion to it. What I am proposing is taking time to learn to cultivate the capacity for joy.
You may be thinking; how can I cultivate my joy and happiness when there is so much negativity in the world (i.e. natural disasters, racism, politics, sexual assault…) There are so many bad things in this world to focus on, how can you have the audacity to fixate and work on your own wellbeing and happiness? My thought is that this is what we need most. What we need most is resilience, inner refuge, groundedness, and presence; so that we can respond compassionately and intelligently to what is going on around us. When aggression is met with judgment and reactivity it perpetuates more aggression. We need to rewire for true wellbeing.
Genuine happiness and freedom are possible. It takes patience dedication and practice. Begin to pay attention to where your mind goes throughout the day. Notice something that causes a sense of wellbeing, maybe it’s an external source like beauty, sense pleasure, touch, accomplishment… Maybe it’s just a spontaneous sense of wellbeing without cause, happiness for no reason. See if you can stay there for at least 30 seconds. Don’t let it go flitting away, let it warm you and relax you. This is how you begin to rewire your brain. The more you spend time and reside in wellbeing the more abundant that resource will be to you. Whatever we practice grows stronger, it will actually change your biology.
The invitation here is to brighten the mind. Make the intent to be happy. Invite this in by saying “may I be happy, may I experience wellbeing.” Open to the idea that something good is going to happen today. And then notice it. There may be doubt or resistance as your natural go-to may be to complain. However I’m inviting a choice, a choice to choose joy and continue to cultivate wellbeing.